Very heartily welcome to our NEW author, Karishma Gandhi. Finally, Karishma learnt blogging! (atleast she feels so, lol). And I taught her!! Yeaayy!! Gandhali tried, but...eehhh... Ha Ha Ha
Keep blogging!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Mischievous Students
This is one of my most memorable picture. My group was the most mischievous group in diploma college. We were waiting for practicals outside the lab, and suddenly don't know what stroked us, we removed this fire-extinguisher and awarded ourselves as the 'Trophy' for being the most mischievous students and clicked pics. And at the end, somebody broke its valve, and white carbon-dioxide started coming out with high whistle like sound. We took no moments running away from there. Ha Ha Ha Ha
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
In this Diwali season (celebrated by Hindus) we make Rangoli outside our home entrance door. We believe drawing rangoli and filling it with various colors will bring colorful happiness and joy to us and our family. Rangoli also has the power to keep all the evils and negative power away from our life. We wish Rangoli will bring all the joy and prosperity in coming new year (Hindu new year)
This picture is one of the most simple and beautiful Randoli made by my cousin sister Urvi.
Happy Diwali and Happy New Year
Yaay for eight followers [thanks Yulinda!]! Yaay for photography! Yaay for all your lovely comments! Yaay for three blog authors!
Yaay for yaay!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Hi, me again, just a quick thank-you post for Michelle, Karan, and Icy. Thanks for following our blog! :D
Have a great day!
Battle of the seasons
I've been busy with assignments [and some other stuff], so I haven't been able to upload as much as I'd've liked to ... but, here I recycle one of my images. It's already being used for an assignment, and now it's going on this blog post!
The trees in our backyard are so pretty ... for two completely different reasons. One is bursting with life [and leaves!], while the other stands still [and completely leafless!]. Seems as if the leafless tree has forgotten that it is spring ... someone needs to jog it out of its sleep. I remember a poem we had to study for English way back in Year 7. It was called The Chrysanthemum, and it talks about how the flower forgets to bloom in spring, but blooms in autumn instead. It's a poem that's stuck to me like a piece of gum on your shoe.
Haha, I'd only meant to write the first paragraph, but one thought led to another, and here's a humongous blog post!
Don't forget to scroll down for the poem [and leave comments]!
The Chrysanthemum:
The rose is called the queen of flowers,
Surrounded by her sisters fair,
A lovely throng of beauties rare,
She holds her court 'mid summer bowers,
'Neath smiling skies of sunny blue,
Gayly they bloom the summer through
Brightening all the golden hours.
But when the autumn days have come
Then blooms our sweet Chrysanthemum.
As we watch the summer days depart
And the painted leaves in silence fall,
And the vines are dead upon the wall;
A dreamy sadness fills each heart,
Our garden seems a dreary place,
No brilliant flowers its borders grace,
Save in a sheltered nook apart,
Where gay beneath the autumn sun
Blooms our own Chrysanthemum.
Ah! she is not a "Summer Friend,"
She stays when all the rest have flown,
And left us flowerless and alone;
No singing birds, or blooms to lend
Their brightness to the autumn haze,
'Tis she who cheers the dreary days;
'Tis joy to know so sweet a friend;
No fairer flower blooms 'neath the sun
Than autumn's queen Chrysanthemum.
Surrounded by her sisters fair,
A lovely throng of beauties rare,
She holds her court 'mid summer bowers,
'Neath smiling skies of sunny blue,
Gayly they bloom the summer through
Brightening all the golden hours.
But when the autumn days have come
Then blooms our sweet Chrysanthemum.
As we watch the summer days depart
And the painted leaves in silence fall,
And the vines are dead upon the wall;
A dreamy sadness fills each heart,
Our garden seems a dreary place,
No brilliant flowers its borders grace,
Save in a sheltered nook apart,
Where gay beneath the autumn sun
Blooms our own Chrysanthemum.
Ah! she is not a "Summer Friend,"
She stays when all the rest have flown,
And left us flowerless and alone;
No singing birds, or blooms to lend
Their brightness to the autumn haze,
'Tis she who cheers the dreary days;
'Tis joy to know so sweet a friend;
No fairer flower blooms 'neath the sun
Than autumn's queen Chrysanthemum.
__Hattie L. Knapp.
Copyright? Of course no copyright infringement is intended! I just wanted my lovely
friends and readers to read Ms. Knapp's lovely poem!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
A Pact!
Howdy ... let's make a pact that all the photos on here will be our own. No violating copyright ha ha ha ...
[Let's see how this goes, as I am a big Google Images fan haha ...]
Baby Fish
I have been devouring baby fishies today ... really! [Okay, so I mean the chocolate ones ;)]
Hm, so what did I do today? I went to uni, ate baby fishies, got told off by a teacher for being late to the lecture [blame the stupid bus strike (and the nice, kind, happy guy who gave me free Milo)], ate baby fishies, went to computing class, ate baby fishies, doodled, ate some more baby fishies, watched Jeremy Kyle and Dr. Phil for a bit, took photos of baby fishies ...
Today is one of those very bleh days. And I think my camera's having a minor heart attack yet again. Oh. And please don't be grossified by the half-eaten fish! I know you can see it's innards, but that's what makes it exciting ... and interesting ... and uhh, electrifying [?!] ...
Please comment, peoples! You are precious to us!
This is a close-up picture of some roots in my dad's garden. It looks like something wants to crawl out! My dad has a huge garden full of roses, flowers, and plants. This is only a very miniscule part of it.
To introduce myself, my name is Helen and I blog over at Cross Bones Style. My other blog is about fashion/outfits and such. Go check it out! I also LOVE taking pictures.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Myself Kunal Kava
Hello everybody, myself Kunal Kava. I and Gandhali are friends from school days(when she was in India). Presently I am doing engineering(B.Tech) in Electronics from NMIMS university in Mumbai. I am not much into blogging stuff(like Gandhali, ha ha), I've just wrote two stories and blogged them. You will come to know much more about me in rest while.

A BIG thank you to Gandhali who made me author of this blog. I am too much excited about contributing to this blog. Another big reason why I am here is, I AM CRAZY ABOUT CLICKING PHOTOS.
First photo of this blog! (ohh wow, its mine!!)
Keep following!!!
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